Frequently asked questions

What is Auction Presenter?
Auction Presenter is software that displays live auction information on multiple displays throughout the auction location, keeping bidders and auction staff up to date with the current state of the auction. It also provides a professional, branded look and feel.
Is there a list of confirmed features?
We are not publishing a list of confirmed features at this time. The features available on release will vary based on demand. The list will be communicated to members of the waitlist close to the release.
Do you have a release schedule?
Not at this point. We will be communicating this closer to the release time, as we need to compile and release features based on readiness after testing. We will send out surveys for your feedback to understand which features matter most to you. This information will help determine the order in which features are released.
Why an Auction Presentation software? Why not an auction website?
We understand that a live auction is a completely different experience from an online auction. Firstly, the auctioneer runs the auction and can determine which bids will be accepted. Sometimes there is a need to slow the auction process or speed it up. Auctioneers know this best, which is why they are always in control with this presentation software.
Will there be Online Auction Bidding?
Yes! We'll allow phone-in and online bidding. This experience will be intertwined into the live auction experience, and the auctioneer will have their own view of accepting or rejecting online bids.
Is the Auction Presenter specifically for a particular industry?
No, Auction Presenter is designed to be completely customizable for your needs, from look and feel to features. If you are legally allowed to auction something, then you can use Auction Presenter!
Has Auction Presenter been used or tested before?
The Auction Presenter has been trialed and proven in real estate with a select list of agents already. The system works, and it works well!
Can an auction display on my website?
Yes, we are planning on creating widgets for embedding the live auction in any website.
When you say 'Customizable', how customizable are we talking?
Very customizable! Depending on the subscription, the Auction Presenter becomes a complete white label solution. It'll look and feel like a part of your business!
How does it work?
The displays will be connected to the internet and navigate to a dedicated URL hosted by Auction Presenter. This URL will load up features that allow the display of live content. It is not a streaming video, so you do not require extremely fast internet speeds for it to run effectively. The display can be another PC, tablet, or smart device, such as a smart projector. You could even use TVs within the location to further extend your reach! An Auctioneer with the help of an Auction Admin will run the software. Keying in the bids as they are called out in the live environment. Or if online bidders bid, the Auctioneer and Admin can see it, accepting or rejecting it.
Is it just a streaming video like I've seen other products do?
No, not at all! Streaming video is heavy work for the internet and can be very slow, resulting in a reduced experience for online bidders compared to those in the room. Auction Presenter uses a very lightweight communication protocol to achieve lightning-fast, responsive changes to the display. Furthermore, you can have different displays showing different content depending on their location—for example, the order of sale outside the auction room but auction bids inside.
Can I integrate my existing CRM/Auction Management Solution
Yes! We have a fully documented integration OpenAPI with Web Hooks that allows you to completely integrtaion with Auction Presenter. So there are no limitations around reporting, or scheduling.
Is there Reporting?
Yes! There is an option to generate PDF reports of auction sessions or lots, as well as Order of Sale and Lot information leaflets. There is also the option to obtain reports directly from the API and integrate reporting with any existing systems you may have.
Are you looking for investers?
We are open to the idea of further Investers. Members of the Waitlist will recieve communcation around investments opportunities.